I have created a little video to help you capture beautiful Light Filled imagery AND 6 beautiful Presets to help you easily edit your images to a professional standard.
But first I'm going to explain what Presets are, how you use them and why they are a great thing to have.
What are Presets?
Presets are settings within the editing tool, Adobe Lightroom, which have been preset to change the look of a photo with one click. Essentially a filter, but as it has been created in a photo editing tool, it allows you to still make tweaks after applying the preset. Giving you full control to edit your photos as you want.
Why do I need them?
Firstly they save you time. I have to edit thousands of photos and my aesthetic is light and airy imagery. To save me time, I use these exact Presets to edit my work. Editing one photo without a Preset can take up to anything from 1 minuet to 10 minuets, depending on your knowledge and skill. A preset is one click, which takes seconds. Secondly they ensure consistency, which as we know, for your brand to stand the test of time, consistency is key. I also wanted to offer the same editing style that I apply to my photography so that as a client, you can mix both mine photography and yours and still ensure you keep that consistent feel across the board. Whether you use my Off The Peg imagery or you book a Pop it in the Post or Little & Often shoot, your images edited with the same settings will ensure that continuity. Finally, if you prefer to capture your own brand imagery or you don't have the budget to spend on photo shoots, Presets still give your images that professional finish. By just following the steps in my video on how to capture Light Filled Imagery paired with my Presets, you can start sharing your brand story today.
What is it going to cost me?
You have to have Adobe Lightroom in order to use the Presets. So firstly I would say if you already have the app then you are aware of the cost or own the software and therefore have accounted for that cost anyway. The Presets start from £30. If you are new to Adobe Lightroom, then you'll need to download it. They have an offer on at the moment which is £8.32 p/m which ends the 6th Aug 2020 (they do often have discounts so keep an eye out if you have missed this one), then it reverts to £9.98 p/m. The cost for the year plus the one off purchase of my Preset Collection is £154.76 which in comparison to a Full Day shoot with me, which costs £260 and can roughly provide you 75-100 images, is a very reasonable invest whilst on a budget.
How do I get these fabulous Presets?
I'm glad you ask Lovie! you can purchase them here. To get the best results it's worth watching the video below on how to capture Light Filled imagery on your phone, to get the best results. Enjoy!